Hanoi has been known for thousands of years as a civilized capital with a long history of struggling to build a glorious nation. But not only stop there, Hanoi also go to the heart of visitors with many types of delicious food, excellent. Hanoi cuisine always attracts visitors to explore the food is bold, making impression difficult to fade for the first time set foot in this capital land.

Hanoi And Special Culinary Style - Hanoi Local Food Tours

Traditional dishes of Hanoi are mostly wild foods, suitable to the conditions of many classes. If you just go to the luxury restaurants to enjoy, you really missed a very special part of Hanoi cuisine that is street food, because, for a long time, Hanoi street food has become an indispensable part of Hanoi’s gastronomy culture in particular and Vietnam in general. Food is not easy to discover in a while, but for a short time you can still enjoy the most popular dishes, bearing the most traditional imprints such as “Pho Hanoi”, “Bun Cha”, Cha Ca La Vong”, etc. However, it will be quite difficult if you do not have knowledge about food and place before, you can only participate in the program of exploring Hanoi cuisine as Hanoi food tasting tour, Hanoi food walking tour, etc.

Hanoi And Special Culinary Style - Hanoi Local Food Tours

In fact, Hanoi culinary has developed in parallel with the history of the nation, so it is very diverse and rich. However, there are some dishes that you should try more when coming to Hanoi because it has contributed to the specialties of the cuisine here.

Pho Hanoi – Hanoi Beef/Chicken noodle

Pho is a traditional dish, famous for Vietnamese  and especially Hanoi. Anyone who wishes to go to Hanoi also wants to enjoy hot noodle soup. Those who are far away from Hanoi always come back to their favorite noodles for a long time without taste. Pho is a food that can be eaten at any time of the day morning, afternoon, evenings. A bowl of pho includes broth, noodles, seasonings such as pepper, green onion, lemon slice, chili … The noodle soup can be made from cow’s or pig’s bones. Green onion, chili, pepper add to the taste of the bowl of pho. Depending on the secret of cooking, each place has different flavors of pho.

Hanoi And Special Culinary Style - Hanoi Local Food Tours

Bun Cha – BBQ pork with noodle

“Bun Cha” is present in all streets, markets, even in deep holes. Ha Noi BBQ pork with noodle, a traditional style of food, through the ups and downs of history. We only need to have vermicelli, pork, some of the items available in the house are dry onions, garlic, chili, papaya, carrots and bunches of raw vegetables. The ingredients are not too hard to find and the process is not too complicated, but to get a good dish is an artistic process that not all Vietnamese can do.

Banh Cuon – Steamed rice rolling cake

The cake is a charming feature of Hanoi, the rolling cake is a simple dish, familiar but not lost sophisticated, sophisticated as the Hanoian.

Hanoi And Special Culinary Style - Hanoi Local Food Tours

The cake also represents the cultural factor through the combination of ingredients to create delicious rolls such as green vegetables are negative factors, meat or shrimp is a positive factor, attraction for dishes Not only the combination of yin and yang but also the elements of that culture in color and spice in the cakes.It may be that for each traveler visiting a certain tourist destination, enjoying a certain dish will have different feelings. So there is such diversity and abundance in the gastronomy of many other areas. So you have to find the taste of food for yourself to enjoy !

