Flowers in daily life often let people admire, enhance the beauty of colorful life. Flowers-a gift of nature to human beings help the soul of the people to mix with nature comfortably when enjoying the beauty of flowers. More than that, they also penetrate the cuisine world in order to create delicate and delicious dishes. Thanks to that, the cuisine of Vietnam is more and more plentiful. Let’s explore this world with hanoi street food tour.

Hoa Ban- white flower

In the Northwest, on every occasion in February, March, flowers bloom together white forest. Women usually pick flowers for sale in the market as a clean vegetable or bring home to process into unique dishes. To get the dishes from the flowers you have to go through many stages.

The Journey To Explore The Flower Culinary - Hanoi Local Food Tours

Picked flowers after depriving the petal and pistil will be washed lightly and then immersed in hot water, then be processed into a variety of different dishes such as: vegetable salad, mix minced meat, stuffed fish, grilled chicken, etc. A flower salad is a traditional dish in Northwest because the spices of this dish are made by Thai people- one of the ethnic minorities.

Water lily and grapefruit flower

The relative of the lotus flower is water lily. This flower deprives the shell, cut into a segment, and is soaked in water then is eaten with salted fish. How about grapefruit flower? This flower has many different uses like using for young women’s hair, extracting from tea oil, curing depression.

The Journey To Explore The Flower Culinary - Hanoi Local Food Tours

More importantly, when this flower is cooked with chicken, the dish will become a unique, delicate flavor. Should you have a desire for cooking these dishes without how to cook, visit hanoi cooking class which will offer you all things you need to cook yummy dishes.

The Journey To Explore The Flower Culinary - Hanoi Local Food Tours

Pergularia – Hoa Thien Ly

This flower has long been used to make many delicious and healthy dishes in family meals or in the restaurants. In the midst of hot- boiling summer, if you have a chance to enjoy the dished made from pergularia, nothing could compare.  Chefs will select large bunches of flowers. After washing, soaking in the water, then pruning small clusters, they are able to cook a variety of dishes such as: soup, minced meat, crab. In addition, the flowers stir-fried with beef or served with hot pot dishes are very special.

The Journey To Explore The Flower Culinary - Hanoi Local Food Tours

These above dishes are attractive enough to for you. Moreover, there are a large number of delicious dishes within the capital, especially, in Old Quarter, which is waiting for you to discovery. The trip with vietnam food tour will be a valuable experience of your own in Vietnam with admiring the beauty of the sparkling capital in a night and enjoying the cuisine of different flowers.