Pho Cuon (rolled noodle) is a kind of street food in Hanoi, Vietnam. It’s delicious and very popular food of Hanoi people. Pho Cuon is a perfect combination of meat and vegetables. Therefore taste of the dish is not only fresh but also very good for health The dish is very attractive and fresh for travelers who want to explore street food in Hanoi Old Quarter.

Pho Cuon - Hanoi Local Food Tours

Pho Cuon – Hanoi Local Food Tours

Pho Cuon seems to have many similarities with Nem Ran, from cooking process to dipping sauce but it still has a small different between both of them. Pho Cuon has a big fresh leaf noodle which covers all ingredients inside while Nem Ran is dried leaf noodle cover all. Ingredients of Pho Cuon are very flexible. You could use whatever you want such as beef, pork, duck or chicken egg, shrimp with onion, lettuce, basil and other vegetables. Everything was wrapped by big fresh noodle leaf. Dipping sauce of Pho Cuon is very same with the Dipping sauce of Nem Ran. The dipping sauce is sour-salty, sweet, is a combination of fish sauce, a bit of sugar, salt, garlic, sliced fresh chili, some drop of lime juice or vinegar and pepper.

Pho Cuon - Hanoi Local Food Tours

Pho Cuon – Hanoi Local Food Tours

How to enjoy Pho Cuon? You could eat Pho Cuon by chopsticks but this is not special for new experience food in Hanoi, and it is sometimes difficult to use the chopsticks. For the real enjoying street food in Hanoi Old Quarter, you should eat Pho Cuon by your hand. There are some famous places serving Pho Cuon dish in Hanoi such as Ngu Xa street, Truc Bach street, and Ho Tay street.
Exploring street food in Hanoi with Hanoi Local Food Tours, we ensure that you will have a fantastic holiday in Hanoi.