Saigon is always a land that makes people remember and fall in love with it because of the small, lovely and little strange things. Not as sophisticated or luminous as the lights on the street every night, small alleys have so beauty attracting visitors on food walking tour or the Saigon people, occupying a little corner in their heart. In that tiny alley, there are cafes that take people to the beautiful and unique space.

Nho Cafe

Located in a small alley on Le Van Sy Street, Nho Cafe brings to those who came here a ticket back in time, back to Saigon of the last decade with nostalgic space. Every object, every corner of this place is decorated from the appliances from the 1900s. Even the name board is enough to make people imagine the coffee space that they will set foot in.

The cafe is decorated in vintage style so there are many angles “special’ shooting. Guests come here mainly to enjoy delicious drinks in the menu of the cafe, and also for series of amazing photos with the unique concept. Not only that, sitting here, you will also see the train, listening to the sound only on the train.

Vietgangz Cafe

One of the new awesome coffee shops, becoming so famous with young people in Saigon, Vietgangz not only confined in the indoor space but also outdoor decoration is very eye-catching. Set foot in the cafe, whether indoors space or outdoor space, you also feel the freedom, creation and vibrant colors from recycled furniture from the barrels.

Vietgangz Cafe

The dark color of the walls, the color of the tiles do not make the coffee shop lose its vitality, but in contrast, it adds to the harmonious color with the furniture, curtain hanging or fresh green plants. Every corner here is a paradise for the selfie lovers.

Caztus Cafe

The first impression of many visitors when coming to Caztus would be, this cafe is so eye-catching. Both inside and outside the shop are covered with a bright yellow paint. On sunny days, this place seems to be more shine, attracting the sights of how people going here. In the rainy days, the coffee shop makes the alley brilliant as if it is shined by “a tiny sun”.

The interior space seems small, but rather spacious and quite simple. It is a big forte for those who love the minimalist architecture. One of the special things here is that all the space is made of wood, from the table, the chair to the stairs leading up to the second floor. Coming to Caztus, you not only enjoy delicious drinks with reasonable price, but you also can get back to childhood with the game machine located in the middle of the shop.

Oromia Coffee

On sunny and hot days in Saigon, find the small alley on Nam Ky Khoi Nghia street, tourists on Vietnam food tours will be released soul into the green space of Oromia Coffee. Welcoming you is the modern space without loss of young and cool charm because any corner of the cafe is covered with the green trees. The bulbs of all shapes and sizes, as well as the foliages, making the shining space cozier.

Oromia will meet all the requirements to become a frequent destination for young people who love to take pictures and selfie, because every time they come here, they discover a lively shooting angle. Modern white background creates the conditions for the amazing pictures.

Ut Lanh Cafe

Quiet but not noisy on the crowded tourists street with all the signs, all kinds of languages, coffee shop Ut Lanh is so simple and rustic, even only looking at the name board, people will think about an old Saigon. The small shop seems to be a corner of the house waiting for you, still bringing a warm feeling and take visitors on Vietnam food tour on to a place that can give up all exhaustion there.

The colorful towels covering on the wooden tables, old brick background, black and white television which was the desire of the whole village, everything is the image of a strange old Saigon. The grocery store with all kinds of junk food associated with childhood also makes people indulge. Coming to Ut Lanh, people are closer together, without the intervention of technology.

For more information/details: Hanoi food tasting toursHanoi traditional foodHanoi cooking class